Monday, May 4, 2015

Is That The Best You've Got?

Recently my coworker and I have had the honor to help assemble core values and behaviors for our team at Northwest Neurology. It has been a tough task to simplify so many thoughts and ideas into just five standards that represent us as a whole. With a lot of editing, advice, and laughs, we have finally come up with the list of qualities that we strive to have. In the next couple days we will be breaking down each core vaule and explain what it really means to us.

  • Continuously Strive to be Better

The idea of always working towards personal growth is one of my favorite values. I believe that before a team can work as one unit, we must have a good understanding of ourselves and our purpose. The body cannot  perform its duties if any system is not functioning to the best of its abilities. 

Once we discover what we are passionate about it is hard to do anything but follow the spark. 
It is not enough to simply show up day after day just to work and make some money. If this is how you view your career, then you are replaceable. As harsh as it may be, you are just a body, someone to fill the space. But to show up each day having a need to make a difference , to know that you have a unique set of skills that add to the bigger picture, is what truly changes lives. At Northwest Neurology we believe that every patient who comes to us with their time, money, and problems  must be treated with respect by giving them our very best efforts.

Once you have made you the choice to dedicate your life to service and make your passion a reality, it is easy to give 100% to your work. But this is where many stop. What divides good employees from great employees is the mindset that being good is not good enough. Are you content with being the best at your position or do you understand that everyday there is something new you can learn? There is always room for improvement. Always room to acquire a new skill.  Always room to go that extra mile and give 110%. 

As I said before, I believe that personal development is one of the most important things to focus on. Health care is a very competitive environment. It's easy to fall into the race to the top against your fellow employees. It does feel good when you excel in your field, but does it really matter if you're the best? You have to keep in mind that a team functions as the human body does, no part is more important than the other. Instead of competing and challenging against others strengths, we try to compete and challenge our own strengths. Working as a team means to build others up, to inspire them to be better and to do the same. Personally, I try every day to be a better version of myself. To ask myself what I did that was good and learn how to be better at it. Then ask what I did that could be improved and grow from it. I don't ask if I am the best medical assistant at my practice, but if I am the best Emily that I can be.

In health care , patients trust us with their issues, secrets, and most vulnerable moments. It is our duty to provide them with the best care that you can possibly give. Do not accept being average. Do not accept being good enough. Do not accept being the best. Every day humble yourself and know that there is always room to grow. There is always an extra mile to go. Always a patient that wants you on their team. So put your game face on and give the best you've got.

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