Anyone in that works in health care can tell you that there are days, that we all experience, when the workload seems infinite, things get a little crazy, and we all (despite our best efforts not to) tend to let ourselves get a little overwhelmed.
At times like these - it is important to take a deep breath - prioritize tasks, and delegate as needed. Whether it's your job or my job, together we'll find a way to get through it. Help others when it's needed and count on others to help you as well. Together we will get the job done.
Don't let stress overwhelm you and hinder your performance - all you can do is put your game face on, do the best you can, and once the day is over or the task is complete - you'll realize even though it was difficult and seemingly impossible - it wasn't impossible- you could & you did, and that is a great accomplishment.
In the words of one of our newest employees after her first experience in with a very busy day at the office working solo "It was crazy, but I learned a lot!" & that is the attitude we should all maintain!
Happy Wednesday!